Monday, August 3, 2009

Thing 20 - YouTube

Searched 'academic libraries'
Videos I watched: TexShare Databases 2 - This was trying to alert users that they could get databases from their library. This would be a useful video for a public library, but an academic library already has many more databases and I believe the students already know they can access them from home. Also, the classical music in the background doesn't seem to go wtih the young student in pajamas.
2009 ACRL Academic Conference - I found this video to be effective in showing that the conference was fun and had some interesting speakers. However, in a short video like this, there is not much substance. Still, it made me want to check out more of what the ACRL is doing.
A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto - Just when I was about to write off YouTube as too limited in time to provide meaningful information, I came across this excellecnt video. I love this manifesto for its powerfully positive statement on how librarians can impact the future. And it did that in under four minutes. Now I can see a well made video can really inspire a person. It gives me something to strive for.
I like the idea of running competitions on YouTube for teens and college students. They could include ways to market the library, or service they would like to see the library provide.

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